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Trails and Greenspace

Trails and Greenspace
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The Harris County Flood Control District’s mission is flood damage reduction and does not include constructing or maintaining recreational areas. However, when our 2,500 miles of channels and acreage at stormwater detention basins are not needed for their primary flood damage reduction purpose, this land is available for appropriately designed recreational areas and trails, built and maintained by other governments and organizations.

Learn more about the process for using our rights-of-way for trails

By contributing the use of our flood control land for multiple purposes, the Flood Control District saves other recreation-minded governments and organizations millions of dollars in property acquisition costs and helps make miles of trails and acres of greenspace available to all.

Currently there are hundreds of miles of constructed trails on Flood Control District right-of-way, sponsored by entities such as Harris County, City of Houston, Houston Parks Board and utility districts. More are added each year. In addition to constructed trails, there are many other “unofficial” footpaths used by joggers and walkers.