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F-112 West Harris County Wetlands Mitigation Bank

F-112 West Harris County Wetlands Mitigation Bank
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Recent Action

November 9, 2021 – Harris County Commissioners Court has approved the acceptance of a real estate donation of a 6.313-acre access easement for this project.

October 12, 2021 –Harris County Commissioners Court approved a $120,000 agreement with an engineering firm for specialized evaluation and design services in support of this project.  

December 4, 2018– Harris County Commissioners Court authorized negotiations with an environmental firm for specialized evaluation and design services in support of this project

October 9, 2018 – Harris County Commissioners Court authorized negotiations with an environmental firm for specialized evaluation and design services in support of this project

August 28, 2018 – Harris County Commissioners Court authorized and initiated this project

project description

A site for this project, which originally was planned in the Addicks watershed, was instead acquired in the Cypress watershed in 2021. It will serve both the Addicks and Cypress watersheds.


This project is in the DEVELOPMENT/PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING stage. This stage will involve development of a draft prospectus and an application for a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permit to conduct wetland restoration.


A 240-acre property located just north of the Katy Hockley Mitigation Bank and south of Cypress Creek off Katy Hockley Road was acquired in 2021 to be used for the site of this mitigation bank.

Bond Project Listing

Bond Project F-112 is categorized as a “Local Only” bond project. This means there is no other funding partner at this time and total project costs would be paid with bond funding. The Bond Project List includes a total allocation for this project of $20 million.