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Hall Park Stormwater Detention Basin P518-03-00

Hall Park Stormwater Detention Basin P518-03-00
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The Hall Park Stormwater Detention Basin reduces the risk of flooding in Halls Bayou by taking in excess stormwater during heavy rain events and then releasing it slowly back to the channel when the threat of flooding has passed. The stormwater detention basin, completed in late 2018, holds 835 acre-feet, or approximately 270 million gallons, of excess stormwater that might otherwise flood homes and businesses.

The project involved relocating a City of Houston sanitary sewer line and removing approximately 1.2 million cubic yards of soil, along with debris, trash and abandoned tires. Vegetation and trees also were removed, but the contractor worked to maintain a forested buffer where possible. Flood Control District foresters carefully considered opportunities to save or relocate trees in the Flood Control District right-of-way.

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As part of its Bayou Greenways 2020 project, the nonprofit Houston Parks Board is designing and constructing the Halls Bayou Greenway – which includes a hike and bike trail, landscaping and neighborhood connections – along the southern edge of the stormwater detention basin. The full Halls Bayou Greenway will provide nine miles of publicly accessible open space from Brock Park to Keith Wiess Park.


The Hall Park Stormwater Detention Basin is located on a 97.4-acre site just east of U.S. 59 and south of Langley Road. The property includes the former Hall Park subdivision.


Construction began in November 2016 and this project was COMPLETED in late 2018.

Project Photos