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Active Projects

Active Projects

Active Projects in Harris County

The Flood Control District builds and maintains numerous capital and major maintenance projects throughout the county. These projects are organized, coordinated and managed with respect to the watersheds they benefit.

Capital Projects

Capital projects reduce flooding risks and damages by expanding channels, constructing new stormwater detention basins or buying out flood-prone homes. Bond funding, federal grants, and local partnerships help finance these projects.

Major Maintenance Projects

Maintenance and storm repair projects keep our flood risk reduction infrastructure working efficiently, as originally designed, or repair it after a major rain event.

Click on the description above to see capital or maintenance projects across the county and zoom in to learn more about specific projects in your area.

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Projects by Watershed

Channels and bayous that surround your home are all part of your watershed. Select your watershed from the list below to learn more about flood risk reduction work in your area.

Multi-watershed Projects

Some Harris County Flood Control District projects span multiple watersheds. Or, various small projects from several watersheds are included under one project identification number and construction contract for efficiency and convenience. Some multiwatershed projects are part of our Capital Improvement Program and some are part of our Maintenance Programs.