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2017-18 Planting Season

2017-18 Planting Season
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2017-18 Planting Season

During the 2017-18 tree planting season, which runs from October 2017 through March 2018, the Flood Control District planted approximately 12,917 native trees on multiple sites around Harris County. Tree species included loblolly pine, bald cypress, pecan, sycamore, water oak and others.

Planting sites included:

  • 2,326 trees at a stormwater detention basin formally identified as M525-01-00 in the Willow Creek watershed, from Holderrieth Road to Humble Road; trees were planted during the annual Tree Planting Competition on February 12, 2018;
  • 1,345 trees at a stormwater detention basin near West Fuqua Street and the Sam Houston Tollway in the Sims Bayou watershed, from the tributaries formally identified as C147-02-00 to C147-00-00;
  • 1,937 trees along Langham Creek in the Addicks Reservoir watershed, from House Hahl Road to the Grand Parkway;
  • 935 trees on a tributary of Greens Bayou formally identified as Ditch #9 DD-7, from Vehalen
  • 871 trees at the South Belt Stormwater Detention Basin, from Beamer Road to South Fork Boulevard;
  • 844 trees at a stormwater detention basin in the Sims Bayou watershed, from Sims Bayou to Settemont Road;
  • 737 trees along a tributary of Horsepen Bayou formally identified as B104-03-02.1, from its upstream end to its confluence with B104-03-02 in the Armand Bayou watershed;
  • 619 trees at a stormwater detention basin in the Brays Bayou watershed near S. Gessner Road and the south Sam Houston Tollway;
  • 542 trees at a stormwater detention basin in the Sims Bayou watershed, from the south Sam Houston Tollway to Main Estates;
  • 515 trees along a tributary of Brays Bayou formally identified as D129-01-00, from Oxford Park Drive to Brays Bayou;
  • 484 trees along a tributary of Horsepen Bayou formally identified as B104-10-00, from its upstream end to Clear Lake City Boulevard in the Armand Bayou watershed;
  • 450 trees at the Greenhouse Stormwater Detention Basin in the Addicks Reservoir watershed, from Greenhouse Road to Langham Creek;
  • 284 trees along a tributary of Brays Bayou formally identified as D129-00-00, from Piping Rock Drive to Hollowgreen Drive;
  • 275 trees along a tributary of Brays Bayou formally identified as D129-02-00, from Richmond Avenue to Brays Bayou;
  • 214 trees on a tributary of Little White Oak Bayou formally identified as E101-14-00 in the White Oak Bayou watershed, near its confluence with Little White Oak Bayou;
  • 192 trees along Brays Bayou from Glen Arbor Drive to Main Street;
  • 213 trees on a stormwater detention basin in the Cypress Creek watershed, from the Seals Gully (Bonds Gully) tributary formally identified as K124-02-00 to Meadowrock Drive;
  • 134 trees along Buffalo Bayou from Willowend Drive to Kirwick Drive near the Flood Control District boat ramp.