
Construction Complete on the Greens Bayou Glen Forest and Kuykendahl Stormwater Detention Basins

HOUSTON, TEXAS – ​The Harris County Flood Control District has completed construction of the Glen Forest and Kuykendahl Stormwater Detention Basins, located in Greens Bayou. The two stormwater detention basins were funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency through the Hurricane Ike Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. The Flood Control District matched the $39.2 million award, bringing the total cost of construction to $63.7 million.

“Every Harris County family – regardless of their zip code – should have the same level of flood protection during severe weather,” said Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, whose Precinct One includes the two basins. “These detention basins will provide much needed improvements in flood mitigation to some of our most vulnerable neighborhoods. I will keep fighting so that we continue to follow our equity guidelines and prioritize projects in these communities with long histories of chronic flooding.”

The Glen Forest Stormwater Detention Basin, located on a 160-acre site just east of Interstate 45 near Greens Road, is designed to hold 894 acre-feet, or 291.3 million gallons of stormwater through three interconnected stormwater detention basins. As part of this project, the Flood Control District constructed almost four acres of native tree and shrub plantings and stormwater quality treatment wetlands. Additionally, natural channel design features were incorporated to provide environmental and water quality enhancement.

The Kuykendahl Stormwater Detention Basin is located along Greens Bayou Tributary P145-00-00, south of Kuykendahl Road and west of Ella Boulevard. The stormwater detention basin is expected to hold 2,325-acre-feet, or 757.6 million gallons of stormwater. Just over 22 acres of native tree and shrub plantings, almost 13 acres of stormwater quality treatment wetlands and 14 acres of other created wetlands were implemented as part of this project. In addition to the stormwater detention basin, Greens Bayou Tributary P145-00-00 was enhanced and stabilized with natural stable channel design features, which will help minimize erosion, stabilize the banks, slow the flow of water, shade the water and create a habitat for birds and other wildlife.

Together, the Glen Forest and Kuykendahl Stormwater Detention Basins are expected to reduce the risk of flooding for approximately 1,100 structures along Greens Bayou. The two stormwater detention basins are part of the overall plan for the mid-reach stretch of Greens Bayou, which includes construction of 11 miles of channel conveyance improvements and two additional stormwater detention basins, Aldine-Westfield and Lauder. For more information, visit



Sheldra Brigham, External Communications Lead
