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Z-02 Drainage Analysis for E116-00-00 Tributaries

Z-02 Drainage Analysis for E116-00-00 Tributaries
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Recent Actions

April 13, 2021 - Harris County Commissioners Court authorized an agreement in the amount of $450,000 with an engineering firm for services in support of this project.

December 15, 2020 - Harris County Commissioners Court authorized negotiations for an engineering consultant agreement for this project.


E116-00-00-P001 is a collaborative effort with the City of Houston initiated to evaluate local drainage deficiencies and the conveyance capacity of White Oak Bayou tributary E116-00-00 and its tributaries for the purpose of identifying potential projects that would reduce the risk of flooding in the area. The study area is in the lower one-third of the White Oak Bayou watershed just outside of the 610 Loop and is located entirely within the City of Houston and Harris County Precinct 1.

The study, which concluded in fall 2022, identified multiple potential projects that would help to reduce the risk of flooding in the area, including channel conveyance improvements, upsizing of culverts, desilting, and constructing stormwater detention basins. The study also identified local drainage improvements that would fall under the jurisdiction of the City of Houston.

Summary Report

E116-00-00 Flood Reduction Feasibility Study (PDF)