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Z-03 Countywide Level of Service Analysis

Z-03 Countywide Level of Service Analysis
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Recent Actions

May 19, 2020 - Harris County Commissioners Court approved new Bond ID added to the 2018 Bond Program List.

April 28, 2020 - Harris County Commissioners Court approved a $1.16 million agreement with an engineering firm in support of this project.

April 7, 2020 - Harris County Commissioners Court approved a total of $2,400,000 in agreement for engineering and related consulting services.

September 24, 2019 – Harris County Commissioners Court approved negotiations with engineering firms to conduct a countywide Level of Service analysis.

What is included in the analysis and how long will it take?

This countywide planning project, funded through a Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR), was initiated to determine how much stormwater the channels in Harris County can carry within banks before overflowing. The flow-carrying capacity of a system of channels is referred to as system capacity. The project was initiated in summer 2020, and it is anticipated to conclude in summer 2022.

Harris County maintains approximately 2,500 miles of bayous and tributaries that are essentially responsible for draining all of Harris County. About 1,300 miles of channels have been studied using computer models for FEMA regulatory floodplain mapping, but approximately 1,200 miles of streams were not studied prior to this effort to determine their capacity. This planning project examines the flow-carrying capacity of Harris County’s channel system using computer modeling and several automated tools. The results will allow us to define the system capacity of the majority of channels within the jurisdiction of the Flood Control District. Additionally, the models and the automated tools approximate the size of the channels needed to achieve target system capacities across the channel network and the associated stormwater detention volume, right-of-way needs, and costs.

How will we use the information produced by the analysis?

This information is paired with other tools and data so that we are better informed in the planning stage while planning for and identifying future projects.