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Model and Map Management (M3) System

Model and Map Management (M3) System

M3 System

The Harris County Flood Control District’s Model and Map Management (M3) System is an interactive tool designed to communicate and share changes to the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) effective floodplain models for Harris County. The goal of the M3 System is to distribute FEMA effective models to the general public, track ongoing changes to the models resulting from development projects, and facilitate communication between FEMA, Harris County Flood Control District, Local Floodplain Administrators, and the community.

The M3 system has transitioned to a new platform that includes new features and improve upon many others. The public is now invited to sign up for notifications regarding any updates to floodplains in watersheds of their interest. These notifications include those which are required of the official map update process however they will now be more widely distributed. Those who sign up for notifications can opt to receive emails when major updates occur or can monitor Harris County Flood Control social media accounts. These notifications also serve to keep members of the technical community updated on new projects and models in the county that may affect mapped floodplains. Users can sign up for these notification by clicking ‘Login/Register’ on the interactive platform. 

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All FEMA effective models for Harris County are available through the M3 system. Links to download these models can be obtained by navigating to the ‘Downloads’ page. The M3 System tracks all FEMA CLOMR and LOMR submittals. These submittals must comply with the HCFCD Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling and Management Standards. Refer to the read-me file in each model directory for the official software version. The use of different software versions other than the official version of any model must be pre-approved by the Harris County Flood Control District. For general guidance regarding hydrologic and hydraulic methodologies utilized in Harris County please download the HCFCD Hydrology and Hydraulics Guidance Manual.

Have questions or comments on M3 or its models? Please contact us here: CONTACT

Model Update Notification Signup

Have an active project or interested in knowing about model updates in Harris County? Click HERE to sign up and receive email notifications when models are updated on watershed(s) of your choice.