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San Jacinto River Tributary G103-33-00

San Jacinto River Tributary G103-33-00
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Recent Actions

April 7, 2020 - Harris County Commissioners Court approved changes in contracts for conveyance restoration on Ben’s Branch from Kingwood Drive to downstream of West Lake Houston Parkway in the San Jacinto River Watershed.

April 7, 2020 - Harris County Commissioners Court approved this project to be advertised for construction bids.

Conveyance restoration on Bens Branch


This project will remove sediment accumulation from HCFCD Unit G103-33-00, a tributary of the San Jacinto River formally named Bens Branch. The project was initiated following major rain events associated with Hurricane Harvey, which sent record levels of sediment-laden stormwater through the San Jacinto River watershed tributaries leading into Lake Houston. Sediment is soil that is broken down, carried and deposited by stormwater. The project will include removing and disposing of approximately 76,285 cubic yards of sediment accumulations, and erosion repairs as necessary. In order to repair and remove sediment from this channel, the construction contractor will need to remove some trees and vegetation along Bens Branch, and in areas designated for access to the channel from the public road right of way. Construction equipment will access the work area via the established access points from Kingwood Drive, Bens View, West Lake Houston Parkway, and Denmere. The contractor will use heavy construction equipment such as dump trucks, excavators and bulldozers. Motorists are urged to be alert to truck traffic when passing near construction access points.


This project will remove sediment accumulation from HCFCD Unit G103-33-00, a tributary of the San Jacinto River formally named Bens Branch. The project was initiated following major rain events associated with Hurricane Harvey, which sent record levels of sediment-laden stormwater through the San Jacinto River watershed tributaries leading into Lake Houston. Sediment is soil that is broken down, carried and deposited by stormwater. The project will include removing and disposing of approximately 76,285 cubic yards of sediment accumulations, and erosion repairs as necessary. In order to repair and remove sediment from this channel, the construction contractor will need to remove some trees and vegetation along Bens Branch, and in areas designated for access to the channel from the public road right of way. Construction equipment will access the work area via the established access points from Kingwood Drive, Bens View, West Lake Houston Parkway, and Denmere. The contractor will use heavy construction equipment such as dump trucks, excavators and bulldozers. Motorists are urged to be alert to truck traffic when passing near construction access points.


From Kingwood Drive downstream to 1,800 Linear Feet downstream of West Lake Houston Parkway


This project is in the CONSTRUCTION stage. This stage will take 9 months to complete the restoration of Ben’s Branch drainage system’s conveyance capacity.