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San Jacinto River Tributary G103-46-00

San Jacinto River Tributary G103-46-00
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Tributary of the San Jacinto River

HCFCD UNIT G103-46-00

The first short-term project identified by the Harris County Flood Control District’s Kingwood Channel Assessments was the removal of sediment to provide positive drainage of G103-46-00 at its confluence with the San Jacinto River. The term “positive drainage” means that a drainage channel is able to transport stormwater without a significant blockage that prevents stormwater from moving at all. 

The project area was accessed through lots near this confluence owned by either the Flood Control District or Harris County, and work was focused solely on providing positive drainage. In order to accomplish this, the Flood Control District sent out an environmental contractor to conduct material testing on the sediment. The soil analysis indicated sediments do not exhibit characteristics of hazardous waste, and the construction contractor was able to secure a disposal site and remove enough sediment near the confluence to allow stormwater to make it into the San Jacinto River through G103-46-00. 

As of March 4, 2018, enough sediment was removed to allow stormwater to flow into the San Jacinto River through G103-46-00. (Scroll down for before and after photos.)

Before sediment removal

After sediment removal