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Cypress Creek Overflow Management Plan

Cypress Creek Overflow Management Plan
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The study area includes the Cypress Creek watershed upstream of US 290, the watersheds draining into Addicks Reservoir, and that portion of the drainage area (including the Cypress overflow) draining into Barker Reservoir that flows through Harris County.

Approximately 60 square miles of the upper Cypress Creek watershed originate in Waller County and drain into Harris County. Addicks and Barker reservoirs were constructed in the 1940's to protect downtown Houston from severe rainfalls that occur on the Buffalo Bayou watershed. The capacity of the reservoirs anticipated an overflow from Cypress Creek. However, no defined drainage systems were planned other than the natural tributary systems. These natural tributary systems include Langham Creek, Bear Creek, and South Mayde Creek. 

> Learn more about the Cypress Creek Overflow Management Plan

Note: The portion of Cypress Creek downstream of US 290 is not in the study area.