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Watershed Model and Map Update

Watershed Model and Map Update
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Project description

The Addicks Reservoir Watershed Model and Map Update study is updating the hydrologic and hydraulic computer models for the Addicks Reservoir watershed that will result in revised Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMS or floodplain maps). Because of technological advances and additional studies, the Harris County Flood Control District has an improved understanding of the amount and extent of the natural stormwater overflow from Cypress Creek into Addicks. When this effort is complete, revised FIRMs for the Addicks Reservoir watershed will be produced based on 1-foot contour interval (rather than on 2-foot contour interval) topographic maps, and based on 2008 Land Use Data (rather than on 2001 Land Use data). This study also will produce other map products as a result of the Flood Control District's participation in a Federal Emergency Management Agency pilot program called Risk MAP (Mapping, Assessment and Planning). This study will focus on the "mapping" component of the Risk MAP program. The maps will be made available to the public. Harris County is the first county in FEMA Region VI to participate in the Risk MAP program. 

NOTE: Following Hurricane Harvey, FEMA has temporarily delayed release of the revised Preliminary FIRMs for an indefinite period.