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CI-034 Channel Conveyance Improvements Upstream of Fondren Road

CI-034 Channel Conveyance Improvements Upstream of Fondren Road
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Recent Action

June 29, 2021 – Harris County Commissioners Court authorized $250,000 for a feasibility study for this project.

April 27, 2021 – Harris County Commissioners Court authorized the Flood Control District to negotiate for engineering services for a feasibility study to evaluate the benefits of channel modifications from Fondren Rd. to Gessner Rd.

December 15, 2020 – Harris County Commissioners Court authorized the initiation of this project.

May 19, 2020 – Harris County Commissioners Court approved updates to project details in the 2018 Bond Program List. Update adds the words "on Brays Bayou" to project title.


The D100-00-00-P010 study (Bond ID CI-034) explores the feasibility of channel conveyance improvements along Brays Bayou from Fondren Road to US 59 with additional complimentary considerations to ensure flood risk is not transferred to other areas. This effort concluded in Summer 2022 and includes evaluation of five (5) alternatives to identify the scale of solution that may be required to reduce the flooding risk. The study area is in Harris County Precincts 1 and 4, and the study limits are within the City of Houston. The channel modifications considered in this study effort can be constructed within already available right-of-way but require sizable stormwater detention mitigation volume to avoid causing impacts to other areas. While a detailed detention analysis was performed to determine the total required detention volume for the alternatives recommended, this study did not evaluate specific locations for detention sites due to the high development percentage within the study limits.

The full project summary report can be found here.