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CI-014 and F-81 W151-00-00 and W153-00-00

CI-014 and F-81 W151-00-00 and W153-00-00
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Recent Actions

May 19, 2020 - Harris County Commissioners Court approved updates to project details in the 2018 Bond Program List. Update consolidates project with Bond ID F-81 into a single project.

November 13, 2018 – Harris County Commissioners Court approved an $827,264 agreement with an engineering firm to conduct preliminary engineering in support of this project

August 28, 2018 – Harris County Commissioners Court authorized negotiations with an engineering firm to conduct preliminary engineering in support of this project

August 28, 2018 – Harris County Commissioners Court authorized and initiated this project


Note: Bond ID CI-014 has been consolidated with Bond ID F-81.


When the W151-00-00 and W153-00-00 study was initiated and in the first several months of the effort, we explored several potential flood reduction options in the study area concerning these channels. Before the Flood Control District began to evaluate the options in detail, we learned that the City of Houston applied for a grant to fund a flood reduction project in the same area, which has since been awarded.

Now that the City has obtained grant funding to develop a flood reduction project in the area, the Flood Control District will use its funds to explore and recommend flood reduction measures that complement the City’s plans in order to maximize the flood reduction benefit. As of June 2022, the City of Houston selected a design consultant and will begin to scope the project. The City of Houston expects to issue a professional engineering services contract with the consultant by the end of Summer 2022. The Flood Control District will restart our effort to finalize our study options and recommendations once design information becomes available from the City about their project.

As a Bond Program effort, a community engagement meeting will be scheduled at the appropriate time in order to share our recommendation, the benefits, and the combined benefits of the total effort.

Project Description

Flood risk reduction project on Buffalo Bayou tributaries, HCFCD Units W151-00-00 and W153-00-00.