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F-41 Channel Conveyance Improvements along Clawson Ditch Q122-00-00

F-41 Channel Conveyance Improvements along Clawson Ditch Q122-00-00
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Recent Action

December 15, 2020 - Harris County Commissioners Court authorized $1,050,017 for engineering services for a preliminary engineering study for Unit Q122-00-00.

August 25, 2020 – Harris County Commissioners Court authorized the Flood Control District to negotiate an agreement for engineering services for an advanced alternatives analysis and preliminary engineering study in support of this project.

April 7, 2020 – Harris County Commissioners Court authorized to purchase one tract of land to support this project

September 24, 2019 – Harris County Commissioners Court authorized and initiated this project.

Project Description

This project study team will analyze flooding occurring near Clawson Ditch, formally identified as Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) Unit Q122-00-00 to recommend projects that reduce flooding risks.


Q122-00-00, also known as Clawson Ditch, is a tributary to Cedar Bayou watershed located near the eastern limits of Harris County, east of US 90 and bisected by Farm-to-Market (FM)1942.


This project is currently undergoing the PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING stage and conceptual design stage. This effort will result in more detailed recommendations for flood damage reduction projects and an implementation strategy for those projects in the form of a preliminary engineering report (PER).

Bond Project Listing

Bond Project F-41 is a “Local Only” project, meaning that the project will be funded entirely from the 2018 Bond Program without any funding partners. The Bond Project List includes an allocation for this project of $19 million.

Q122 Study

The Harris County Flood Control District completed the Cedar Bayou Flood Risk Reduction Study (FRRS), which was funded by a Texas Water Development Board grant. This study focused on evaluating long-term flood risk reduction strategies for the watershed while outlining improvements that could provide benefits in the short term.

A long-term proposed solution was identified by the study to provide a large regional detention basin, approximately 155 acres in size, providing approximately 335 million gallons of storage volume. Additionally, channel improvements to widen and deepen Q122-00-00 upstream were identified as part of the long-term proposed solution.

The long-term proposed solutions will be implemented as funding becomes available with the estimated total cost for the ultimate solution reaching roughly $31.5 million.

The long-term project benefits include more effective channel conveyance to contain future 100-year flows and the removal of the 100-year floodplain from up to 35 structures, and an estimated reduction of $2.2 million in damages.

For short-term improvements, Harris County Flood Control District is performing a Preliminary Engineering Report to identify a flood mitigation project along Q122-00-00.

Virtual Community Engagement Meeting

The Harris County Flood Control District will hold a Community Engagement Meeting for the Channel Conveyance Improvements along Clawson Ditch.

Date: Thursday, July 7, 2022
Time: 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Presentation Presentacion (esp) Virtual Meeting Video Meeting summary