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F-46 Stormwater Detention Basin in the Cedar Bayou Watershed

F-46 Stormwater Detention Basin in the Cedar Bayou Watershed
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Recent Action

October 26, 2021 - Harris County Commissioners Court authorized negotiations with an engineering firm for preliminary engineering services in support of this project.

May 19, 2020 - Harris County Commissioners Court approved updates to project details in the 2018 Bond Program List. Update corrects project title to add the words "Right-of-Way Acquisition"; and reallocates funds to new Bond ID F-123 to support the Cedar Bayou Bond Implementation Management (BIM) Project.

September 24, 2019 – Harris County Commissioners Court authorized and initiated this project

Project Description

This project involves the design and construction of a stormwater detention basin in the Cedar Bayou watershed between I-10 and Highway 146. The project is part of the Cedar Bayou Bond Implementation Management (BIM) Project.


This project is in the PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING stage.

Bond Project Listing

Bond Project F-46 is a “Local Only” project, which means there is no funding partner identified at this time, and the project will be funded entirely from the 2018 Bond Program. The Bond Project List includes a total allocation for all stages and phases of this project, of $22.9 million.