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An error has occurred. An error has occurred.

Countywide or Multi-Watershed

Countywide or Multi-Watershed

Multi-Watershed Projects

Some Harris County Flood Control District projects span multiple watersheds. Or, various small projects from several watersheds are included under one project identification number and construction contract for efficiency and convenience.

Home Buyouts

Voluntary home buyouts are used by the Flood Control District to reduce flood damages in areas several feet deep in the floodplain where structural projects (i.e. channel modifications or stormwater detention basins) to reduce flooding are not cost-effective and/or beneficial.

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Subdivision Drainage Projects

Subdivision drainage projects managed by the Harris County Engineering Department improve the internal drainage systems and related infrastructure that convey stormwater from neighborhoods to major drainage channels or bayous maintained by the Flood Control District. Internal drainage systems include underground storm sewer systems and roadside ditches, and are typically the responsibility of the underlying municipality, utility district and/or Harris County in unincorporated areas.

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