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Inverness Forest Levee

Inverness Forest Levee
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Recent Action

September 27, 2022 – Harris County Commissioners Court initiated a new project for Inverness Forest Levee modifications, using funding from 2018 Bond ID Z-04.

May 11, 2021 – Harris County Commissioners Court approved a $274,000 agreement for engineering services in support of the recertification project.

March 30, 2021 – Harris County Commissioners Court authorized an agreement with Inverness Forest Improvements District, at a cost of $164,000 to the Flood Control District.

February 9, 2021 – Harris County Commissioners authorized the negotiation of an interlocal partnership agreement with Inverness Forest Improvement District in support of this project.

February 25, 2020 - Harris County Commissioners Court authorized negotiations with an engineering firm in support of this project.


The Inverness Forest Levee is located on Cypress Creek and was originally built in 1993 to protect the Inverness Forest neighborhood of north Harris County.

In 2022, the Harris County Flood Control District initiated a project to modify the levee in connection with the levee’s required Federal Emergency Management Agency recertification and countywide floodplain remapping efforts. Modifications to address potential seepage and to improve the structural integrity of the levee will receive funding from 2018 Bond ID Z-04.

This new project is a continuation of the Flood Control District’s partnership with the Inverness Forest Improvement District on the recertification, which has also received funding from 2018 Bond ID Z-02.

In 2020, the Flood Control District completed a project to repair severe erosion on Cypress Creek that could have impacted the levee and nearby Timber Lane Utility District property. This $12 million project, from Hardy Toll Road upstream to Lemm Gully, HCFCD Unit K120-00-00, began in 2019 and restored the stormwater flow and function of Cypress Creek in this area.