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C-41 Main Stem Stormwater Detention Improvements in the Vicinity of Keith Wiess Park and Tributary P118-21-00

C-41 Main Stem Stormwater Detention Improvements in the Vicinity of Keith Wiess Park and Tributary P118-21-00
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Recent Action

June 28, 2022 – Harris County Commissioners Court approved an agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation for the right to modify and maintain the P518-07-00 stormwater detention basin located at Aldine Westfield Road at Halls Bayou.

March 30, 2021 – Harris County Commissioners Court authorized the acquisition of one tract of land in support of this project.

September 29, 2020 – Harris County Commissioners Court authorized the acquisition of a tract of land for this project.


This project (Project ID: P518-11-00-E002) will construct a stormwater detention basin anticipated to hold 180 acre-feet, or nearly 58.7 million gallons, of stormwater that might otherwise flood homes and businesses. The stormwater detention basin is designed to be a wet-bottom configuration with a vegetated shelf. This project will be construction as part of Bond ID C-25. All projects included within C-41 will make improvements to the main stem of Halls Bayou.

This project is part of the Watershed-Wide Project Implementation Program for Halls Bayou.


The exact location of the stormwater detention basin is to be determined.

This project is located This project is located


This project is currently in the Design stage.

Bond Project Listing

Bond Project C-41 is a potential “Partnership” project. Total allocation for all projects listed under Bond Project C-41 is currently almost $155 million, of which approximately $151.1 million is partnership funding and approximately $3.5 million is local costs.

Additionally, the Flood Control District has been aggressively pursuing multiple grant opportunities, including a grant application to the Texas General Land Office (GLO) for Community Development Block Grant for Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) funding in October 2020 in the amount of about approximately $14.7 million for Phase II of this project. While that specific application was not awarded, as of December 2021, Harris County is continuing to work with the GLO on a potential $750 million commitment of CDBG-MIT funding for flood risk reduction projects across Harris County.

Public Information Session

A series of projects in the Halls Bayou watershed are included in two separate applications for federal funding through the Community Development Block Grant for Mitigation (CDBG-MIT) Program. The projects included are Bond Project IDs: C-01, C-23, C-24, C-26, C-28, C-30 and C-41. A virtual Public Information Session to discuss these projects was held on:

Date: Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Time: 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

The official public comment period for the CDBG-MIT applications will be open from October 3 – October 16, 2020. We encourage residents to learn more about the application process, submit a comment and view the meeting presentation and video:

Virtual Meeting

The Harris County Flood Control District held a virtual meeting for the Halls Bayou Bond Program – Summer 2022 Updates in the Halls Bayou watershed for the following Bond Project IDs: C-01, C-23, C-24, C-25, C-26, C-28, C-30, C-35, C-41, and CI-006.

The virtual meeting was held on:

Date: Thursday, June 30, 2022
Time: 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.