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Spring Gully & Goose Creek

Spring Gully & Goose Creek
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Watershed Overview

Drainage Area Watershed Population Open Stream Miles Primary Streams
32 Sq. Miles 66,099 (2020 Census Data) 60 Miles Spring Gully
Goose Creek

The Spring Gully & Goose Creek watershed is located in east Harris County. Spring Gully flows southward from Highlands Reservoir to Burnett Bay, adjacent to the Houston Ship Channel. Goose Creek flows from the Highlands Reservoir through the City of Baytown and Goose Lake into Tabbs Bay on the Houston Ship Channel. A significant drainage area exists just north of the Highlands Reservoir that drains to Barbers Hill Road. At the northwest corner of the reservoir and Barbers Hill Road, the runoff splits. A portion of the runoff flows around the reservoir perimeter and into the upper end of Spring Gully, while the rest of the runoff flows into Bluff Gully, which is a small tributary that flows into the San Jacinto River.

The Spring Gully & Goose Creek watershed covers about 32 square miles and includes two primary streams: Spring Gully and Goose Creek. There are about 60 miles of open streams within the watershed, including the primary streams and tributary channels. Based on the 2010 U.S. Census, the estimated population of the Spring Gully & Goose Creek watershed is 52,386. Earlier flood damage reduction projects constructed by the District have significantly reduced the risk of flooding to area residents and latter phases of these projects are currently being implemented.

Land Use

Much of the watershed is undeveloped, with the exception of the Baytown area. The upper and middle portions of the watershed consist of scattered development and agricultural areas. Urbanization is expected to slowly expand northward from the City of Baytown and I-10.


The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department has noted the shoreline along Burnett Bay, at the mouth of Spring Gully, for its habitat value and high environmental quality. Throughout most of the watershed, environmental sensitivity is high due to the low levels of urbanization. Most of Goose Creek upstream of Park Avenue has been cleared and modified in the past and is regularly maintained or is lined with concrete. The lower third of the channel is subject to tidal influences and is characterized by meandering loops through brackish to intermediate marsh. The creek drains into Goose Lake, a tidally influenced natural lake that becomes Tabbs Bay. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department has also noted the shoreline near Tabbs Bay as an environmentally sensitive area that should be protected.

Summary of Goose Creek Watershed Plan

Published March 5, 2021

How Water Flows In the spring gully & goose creek Watershed