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CI-030 Turkey Gully E500-26-00

CI-030 Turkey Gully E500-26-00
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Recent Actions

August 10, 2021 – Harris County Commissioners Court authorized a $428,116 agreement for preliminary engineering services regarding stormwater detention basins along and within the Turkey Gully subwatershed of the White Oak Bayou Watershed

May 11, 2021– Harris County Commissioners Court authorized a new unit designation as E500-26-00 to the Flood Control District’s Stormwater Management System for identification and tracking purposes.

February 9, 2021- Harris County Commissioners authorized the negotiation of an agreement for engineering services in support of this project.

November 10, 2020 - Harris County Commissioners authorized initiation of a partnership project with the City of Houston for general drainage improvements along Turkey Gully, HCFCD Unit E106-00-00.


Right-of-Way Acquisition, Design and Construction of General Drainage Improvements along Turkey Gully. Project could reduce the risk of flooding for structures along Turkey Gully in partnership with the City of Houston.