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F-10 Brickhouse Gully

F-10 Brickhouse Gully
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Recent Action

September 25, 2018 - Harris County Commissioners Court authorized an interlocal agreement with the City of Houston for joint funding of an engineering investigation in support of this project.

Project Description

Brickhouse Gully is a concrete-lined channel that drains an area of central Harris County in the White Oak Bayou watershed. It flows west to east, mostly inside Beltway 8, north of IH-10 and west of U.S. 290. It currently offers a relatively low level of service that ranges from a 50 percent (two-year) level of service in the downstream (eastern) and central reaches, to a 1 percent (100-year) level of service upstream (to the west). Structural flooding during heavier rain events is common in this area. The Flood Control District’s voluntary home buyout program includes several areas of interest within the Brickhouse Gully watershed.

In 2018, the Harris County Flood Control District began preliminary work on an engineering investigation aimed at identifying alternatives for reducing flooding risks and damages along Brickhouse Gully, which is formally identified as HCFCD Unit E115-00-00. 

Goals of the Brickhouse Gully Flood Damage Reduction Study include:

  • Quantifying existing flood risks
  • Identifying alternatives that reduce the depth, duration and frequency of structural flooding for neighborhoods along Brickhouse Gully
  • Identifying locations for use as stormwater detention

At this time projects identified for right-of-way acquisition and construction of conveyance improvements exceeds currently available bond funds. Therefore, investigations are continuing on how to provide flood damage reduction projects that make use of the currently available funding and target the most vulnerable structures in the watershed.

The area to be covered by the engineering investigation is within Houston city limits. The Flood Control District and that due to the watershed being nearly 100% developed, the City of Houston have agreed to jointly fund this investigation.

The investigation will result in a recommended alternative that considers channel improvements, stormwater detention, diversion and right-of-way needs. 

Right-of-way acquisition, design and construction of conveyance improvements to the channel resulting from the engineering investigation also are included in the 2018 Bond Program. The total Bond Project List allocation for all stages of this multi-stage project is currently $35 million.

Bond Listing

List of 2018 Bond Projects


Every flood damage reduction project is unique. Yet each project begins and ends, with common and predictable milestones along the way. Whether a project moves forward – and how quickly – depends on many factors, including the availability of funding at each milestone, shifting community priorities for flood damage reduction, and other changing circumstances (such as the price of trees or concrete) from year to year.