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Willow Creek

Willow Creek
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Watershed Overview

Drainage Area Watershed Population Open Stream Miles Primary Streams
54 Sq. Miles 77,465 (2020 Census Data) 56 Miles Willow Creek

The Willow Creek watershed is located in northwest Harris County and drains about half of the City of Tomball. Willow Creek is the single primary stream within the watershed and flows into Spring Creek just upstream of where Spring Creek crosses under I-45. The Willow Creek watershed covers about 54 square miles and has about 56 miles of open streams in the watershed, including the primary stream and tributary channels. Based on the 2010 U.S. Census, the estimated population of the Willow Creek watershed is 45,890. 

A large floodplain exists along Willow Creek that covers mostly undeveloped land. The downstream end of the watershed is within the floodplain of Spring Creek.

Land Use

Significant development in the watershed is limited to the City of Tomball and a few residential subdivisions in the lower end. Most of the remaining areas are sparsely developed and agricultural interests are common. The development rate has not been very rapid. However, it is expected to increase as the City of Tomball continues to expand and urbanization from Houston stretches northward.


With the undeveloped conditions of the watershed, a diverse environment exists that includes the Willow Flats area and large, heavily wooded areas. The level of environmental sensitivity is very high.

Summary of Willow Creek Watershed Plan

Published February 22, 2021

How Water Flows In The Willow Creek Watershed