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Floodplain Preservation

Floodplain Preservation

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Floodplain Preservation

Project Overview

The Harris County Flood Control District (Flood Control District) has purchased many properties adjacent to waterways for floodplain preservation. The Flood Control District floodplain preservation properties are those acquired by the Flood Control District and held in fee or easement to maintain their natural flood storage benefits and prevent future development that could contribute to increased flood risk.

There are several types of Flood Control District right-of-way that is considered floodplain preservation and are discussed in detail below:

  • Floodplain Preservation and Conservation Program
  • Home Buyout Program
  • Flooding Easement Program
  • Wetland Mitigation Bank Program
  • Regional Detention Basin Program

Definitions of Types of District Floodplain Preservation Properties

Floodplain Preservation and Conservation – Acquisition of floodplain properties in order to maintain both their natural flood storage benefits and prevent future development that could contribute to increased flood risk. Examples include the Spring Creek floodplain preservation project.

Home Buyout – Acquisition of residential properties which had been severely damaged by flooding. Home buyouts are used by the Flood Control District to reduce future flood damages where other structural projects were not effective.

Flooding Easement - Acquisition of easements over private property that frequently flood and does not allow development on those properties. Examples include the flooding easements on the Katy Prairie Conservancy property.

Wetland Mitigation – Acquisition of property for the creation or enhancing of wetlands to mitigate the unavoidable losses of existing regulated wetlands within much needed Flood Control District flood damage reduction projects. Example includes the 1,100-acre Greens Bayou Wetlands Mitigation Bank.

Regional Detention Basin – Acquisition of properties to construct storm water detention facilities by excavating the properties thus reducing the risk of flooding.