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MAAPnext Development Program

MAAPnext Development Program
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Since its inception in 1937, the Harris County Flood Control District has continually worked to better understand flood risk throughout the county. This project represents a transformative step in the management and regulation of Harris County’s floodplains. Recent advancements in hydrologic and hydraulic modeling software and methodologies will allow HCFCD to identify and evaluate flood risks to a greater degree of accuracy and detail than was previously possible.

These advancements will allow HCFCD to understand and map flooding related to bayous, creeks and other natural drainage patterns. Additionally, flood risk due to rainfall run-off draining through streets and neighborhoods on the way to the bayous will also be assessed. The resulting data will produce a variety of flood mapping products that will allow area residents and business owners the opportunity to better understand flooding risks to support their actions and decisions in the future. 

The Harris County Modeling, Assessment and Awareness Project (MAAPnext) will develop the next generation of flood mapping. Along with new Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), new tools will be developed for communicating the results of this project. Changes are on the way for Harris County flood maps, and we are ready to bring the region’s flood resistance and resilience to the next level.

Z-10-Countywide Floodplain Mapping Update

2018 Bond Listing Project Details

MAAPnext Website

Floods are powerful, but knowledge is too