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Voluntary Acquisition Program

Property Acquisition Program
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Voluntary Acquisition

The Harris County Flood Control District acquires properties that meet voluntary buyout requirements in an effort to reduce or eliminate the risk of flooding while respecting community and natural values.

Voluntary acquisition falls within three (3) categories:

Voluntary Home Buyout

Floodplain Preservation

Floodplain preservation consists of voluntary acquisition of large areas of land (typically 5+ acres) with a high flood risk in an effort to:

  1. Preserve the natural and beneficial functions of the floodplain and its ecosystem
  2. Prevent future development
  3. Provide potential opportunities for recreational use by the public


Property Donations

Property donations are accepted when beneficial to the District’s mission or for maintenance access along District channels and right of way. Sometimes a property may be so deep in the floodplain it’s cost-prohibitive or impractical for development and donation may be the best solution to alleviate the property tax burden on the owner.
