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CI-035 Texas Water Development Board Regional Drainage Plan

CI-035 Texas Water Development Board Regional Drainage Plan
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Regional drainage plan and environmental investigation for major tributaries in the Cypress Creek Watershed K100-00-00 Cypress Creek

CI-035, CI-36, CI-020

Recent Actions

July 14, 2020 - Harris County Commissioners Court approved a $1,400,915 agreement with an engineering firm to provide an implementation plan for projects recommended for the Cypress Creek watershed.

May 19, 2020 – Harris County Commissioners Court approved updates to project details in the 2018 Bond Program List. Update corrects project title and funding to reflect consolidation with Bond IDs CI-020 and CI-36.

April 7, 2020 – Harris County Commissioners Court authorized negotiations for engineering services to support the district with implementation of the recommendations from the Cypress Creek Watershed Major Tributaries Regional Drainage Plan update and development of future flood damage reduction projects within the Cypress Creek Watershed.

December 17, 2019 – Harris County Commissioners Court authorized and initiated a project to develop a stormwater detention basin east of T.C. Jester Boulevard, and added the Unit Number K500-23-00 to the Flood Control District’s stormwater management system.

June 25, 2019 – Harris County Commissioners Court authorized an additional $100,000 for engineering services in support of this project

November 13, 2018 – Harris County Commissioners Court approved a $600,000 agreement with an engineering firm to complete this study update and investigations 

August 28, 2018 – Harris County Commissioners Court authorized negotiations with an engineering firm in support of this project 

August 28, 2018 – Harris County Commissioners Court authorized and initiated this project

Project Description

The goal of this work was to identify projects to reduce or eliminate existing flooding risks in the Cypress Creek watershed. It was completed in February 2020. As funding allows, individual recommendations from this study will proceed to right-of-way acquisition, environmental investigation, and preliminary engineering. The three projects in this scope of work included:

  • An update to the 2003 Texas Water Development Board “Regional Drainage Plan and Environmental Investigation for Major Tributaries in the Cypress Creek Watershed,” Bond Project CI-035. This study update identified options to reduce existing flooding risks in the Cypress Creek watershed. During the course of the investigation, the scope of work was expanded to include the investigation of additional potential detention sites along the main stem of Cypress Creek and of flooding issues related to bridge crossings along Cypress Creek.
  • An investigation of the potential benefit of expanding Cypress Park Stormwater Detention Basin, HCFCD Unit K500-01-00 (formerly Bond Project CI-36.) This basin is located on North Eldridge Parkway near the confluence of Little Cypress Creek and Cypress Creek.
  • An investigation of the potential benefit of possible stormwater detention sites near Cypress Creek and Stuebner Airline Road (formerly Bond Project CI-020.)


This project is in the engineering investigation or FEASIBILITY STUDY stage. This stage will result in the identification of major general components of a plan to address an identified flooding issue. These components can then be considered in detail in the PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING stage.


This project is located in the Cypress Creek watershed of north Harris County.

Bond Project Listing

Bond Projects CI-035, CI-36, and CI-020 are categorized as “Local Only” bond projects. This means there is no other funding partner at this time and total project costs would be paid with bond funding. The Bond Project List includes a combined allocation for these three projects of $600,000.

Project Lifecycle

Every flood damage reduction project is unique. Yet each project begins and ends, with common and predictable milestones along the way. Whether a project moves forward – and how quickly – depends on many factors, including the availability of funding at each milestone, shifting community priorities for flood damage reduction, and other changing circumstances (such as the price of trees or concrete) from year to year.


Community Engagement Meeting

Two Community Engagement Meetings for this project were held October 21, 2019, at Klein High School Cafeteria, 16715 Stuebner Airline Road, and October 24, 2019, at Houston's First Baptist Church, 11011 Mason Road.