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Z-02 Deer Park Gardens Subdivision Drainage Improvements

Z-02 Deer Park Gardens Subdivision Drainage Improvements
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Recent Actions

January 4, 2022– Harris County Commissioners Court approved an interlocal agreement in the amount of $163,608 with the City of Deer Park, Texas in support of this partnership project.

Project description

This partnership project (Project ID - G104-00-00-E002) with the City of Deer Park is intended to improve local drainage in the Deer Park Gardens Subdivision, which has experienced flooding during several storm events since the neighborhood was constructed in the 1950s.

The City of Deer Park is in the lead on this project and is working to improve drainage within the neighborhood by upgrading the storm sewer and modifying other drainage mechanisms as needed. The proposed improvements will provide the storm sewers with the minimum capacity to convey stormwater from a 2-year storm. Using NOAA Atlas 14 data, a 2-year storm is 5.30 inches of rainfall in a 24-hour period and has a 50-percent chance of occurring each year in a given area. These improvements will also help to reduce structural flooding in the 1 percent (100-year) rainfall event. The overall project will maintain water surface elevations to within the right-of-way.

In addition to the storm sewer improvements, the associated streets, water lines, driveways and sidewalks will be reconstructed. The project and its subsequent phases are expected to benefit an estimated 25 structures and 9.28 acres during a 100-year rainfall event.

The Flood Control District has contributed funds from the 2018 Bond Program in support of this partnership project and will also assist by reviewing drawings and specifications.