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LOMR Review Program

LOMR Review Program
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LOMR Review Program

The Harris County Flood Control District has been selected by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (LOMR) Review Program.

Updated Submittal Requirements for MAAPnext & LOMRs

This program delegates select agencies across the country the responsibility of performing the technical review function for Letters of Map Revision (LOMRs) and Conditional Letters of Map Revision (CLOMRs) in their local community on behalf of FEMA. To date, there are only six other agencies across the country who have been selected to participate. Other requests such as Physical Map Revisions (PMRs), Letters of Map Amendment (LOMAs), and Letters of Map Revision Based on Fill (LOMR-Fs) will continue to be reviewed by FEMA. The District officially began receiving these submittals for Harris County on September 1, 2010.

Model/Notification Sign Up

Have an active project or interested in knowing about model updates in Harris County? Sign up and receive email notifications when models are updated on watershed(s) of your choice.

HCFCD LOMR Review Program Review Summary

Status Currently at HCFCD
Active/Under Review 12
Completed since 9/1/2010 210

Last updated January 2022