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Harris County Flood Education

Harris County Flood Education
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The purpose of the Harris County Flood Control District's Flood Education Mapping Tool is to provide information about the mapped floodplains in Harris County relative to residences, businesses and other structures.

Do you live in a FEMA mapped floodplain?

The Flood Education Mapping Tool was initially developed as a mapping tool for the Tropical Storm Allison Recovery Project (TSARP), which was launched shortly after Tropical Storm Allison struck Harris County in June 2001. The Flood Education Mapping Tool replaces the mapping tool formerly located at and includes regularly-updated floodplain information from the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM or floodplain map) for Harris County, interactive legend options, a simple map display and easy map navigation.

While the floodplains shown on the Flood Education Mapping Tool are the floodplains delineated on the FIRM for Harris County, the Flood Education Mapping Tool is not the effective FIRM. View the effective FIRM for Harris County on-line using a structure’s address at There, you also can create a FIRMette, which is a full-scale section of a FIRM that you can save on your computer and print on a standard home or office printer.

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