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F-45 Stormwater Detention Basin Q534-01-00

F-45 Stormwater Detention Basin Q534-01-00
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Note: Bond ID F-68 has been consolidated with Bond ID F-45.


This project involves the design and construction of a stormwater detention basin in the Cedar Bayou watershed as mitigation for channel conveyance improvements on Q134-00-00. Once completed, the detention basin will provide approximately 342 million gallons of storage volume.

The project is funded through Bond ID F-45. As outlined on theF-45 Cedar Bayou Tributary Analysis Q134-00-00 and Q134-01-00 project page, this project was identified as a long-term proposed solution to reduce flood risk in the Cedar Bayou watershed.

Starting in February 2022, the excavation of the detention basin is under an E&R (Excavation and Removal) contract. The E&R contract, which lasts three years, will remove a maximum of 85,000 cubic yards of soil. This project is part of the Watershed-Wide Project Implementation Program for Cedar Bayou.


The stormwater detention basin is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of FM 2100 and FM 1960 and is approximately 216 acres in size.


This project is in the DESIGN stage.

Bond Listing

Bond Project F-45 is a “Local Only” project, which means there is no funding partner identified at this time, and the project will be funded entirely from the 2018 Bond Program. The Bond Project List includes a total allocation for all stages and phases of this project, as well as Q134-00-00 and Q134-00-01, of $22 million.


Every flood damage reduction project is unique. Yet each project begins and ends, with common and predictable milestones along the way. Whether a project moves forward – and how quickly – depends on many factors, including the availability of funding at each milestone, shifting community priorities for flood damage reduction, and other changing circumstances (such as the price of trees or concrete) from year to year.