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F-120 Goose Creek Flood Risk Reduction Project

F-120 Goose Creek Flood Risk Reduction Project
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Recent Actions

August 2, 2022 – Harris County Commissioners Court authorized the acquisition of one tract of land in support of this project.

August 24, 2021 - Harris County Commissioners Court authorized an agreement in the amount of $715,000 with an engineering firm for services in support of this project.

May 11, 2021 - Harris County Commissioners Court authorized the Flood Control District to negotiate an agreement for preliminary engineering services in support of a project to evaluate channel conveyance improvements and stormwater detention along Goose Creek.

November 10, 2020 - Harris County Commissioners Court authorized the acquisition of one tract of land in support of this project.

April 28, 2020 - Harris County Commissioners Court authorized and initiated this project.


Bond Project F-120 will construct 4.2 miles channel conveyance improvements, two stormwater detention basins, and bridge and culvert modifications along Goose Creek and its tributaries. The recommended project resulted from the Goose Creek Watershed Planning Project, and will be constructed in three phases.

Phase 1, currently undergoing preliminary engineering, will construct 1.65 miles of channel conveyance improvements and a stormwater detention basin near the intersection of Rollingbrook Drive and State Highway 330.

As part of the preliminary engineering stage, the Flood Control District further refining Phase 1 of the project, including developing design alternatives for the recommended stormwater detention basin. This will include both wet-bottom and dry-bottom alternatives. Additionally, field investigations, environmental permitting and refining cost estimates will occur during this stage.

Phase 2 includes channel conveyance improvements along 1 mile of Goose Creek and constructing the second stormwater detention basin near the center of the channel

Phase 3 will construct 1 mile of channel conveyance improvements and bridge and culvert modifications or replacements along two Goose Creek tributaries north of Interstate 10

Together, the stormwater detention basins are anticipated to hold 1,230 acre-feet, or nearly 400 million gallons, of stormwater that might otherwise flood homes and businesses.

Visit the Goose Creek Watershed Planning Project webpage for more information about the plan.


Phase 1 will construct channel conveyance improvements south of Interstate 10 and a stormwater detention basin near Rollingbrook Drive and State Highway 330. Phases 2 and 3 will construct channel conveyance improvements and bridge and culvert improvements north of Interstate 10, along Goose Creek and two of its tributaries.

Recommended Phase I channel conveyance improvements (green) and approximate stormwater detention basin location (purple)


The planning study has been completed and Phase 1 is in preliminary engineering.

Bond Project Listing

The total estimated cost for this project is currently $47 million. The 2018 HCFCD Bond Program includes Bond ID F-120, which allocated $25 million for Goose Creek flood risk reduction projects.

Phase 1, estimated to cost $23.5 million, will be funded by the 2018 Bond Program. Phase 2, estimated to cost $18.4 million, and Phase 3, estimated to cost $4.7 million, will be constructed as funding is available.

Virtual Community Engagement Meeting

The Harris County Flood Control District held a virtual Community Engagement Meeting for the Goose Creek Flood Risk Reduction Project in the Spring Gully and Goose Creek watershed on:

Date: Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Time: 6:30 P.M. – 7:30 P.M.

meeting summary Presentation Meeting Video