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F-39 Drainage Improvements on Spring Gully

F-39 Drainage Improvements on Spring Gully
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Recent Actions

August 10, 2021 – Harris County Commissioners Court authorized negotiations with the San Jacinto River Authority on an agreement for drainage improvements along Units O119-00-00 and O200-00-00 in support of this project.

January 5, 2021 -Harris County Commissioners Court authorized negotiations with the San Jacinto River Authority on an agreement for drainage improvements along Units O119-00-00 and O200-00-00 in support of this project.

May 19, 2020 - Harris County Commissioners Court approved updates to project details in the 2018 Bond Program List. Update changes project type and funding to being funded by 2018 CDBG-DR.

Project description

Bond Project F-39 involves the investigation of flood risk reduction improvements within Spring Gully O200-00-00. The project seeks to address flooding issues within the Highlands Mobile Estates and Highland Ridge subdivisions. This project is part of a two-pronged flood risk reduction solution for this area. A separate Bond Project F-109 involves future design and construction of flood risk reduction improvements.

Included under this Bond Project are:
Watershed feasibility study on Spring Gully
Alternatives Analysis near Highlands Reservoir


The project area is located north of Barbers Hill Road, across from the Highlands Reservoir. This area is comprised primarily of the Highlands Mobile Estates and Highland Ridge subdivisions.


This project is in the PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING stage.

Bond Project Listing

Bond Project F-39 is a “Local Only” funded project, which means that there is no funding partner identified at this time and the project will be funded entirely from the 2018 Bond Program. The Bond Project List includes a total allocation for all stages and phases of this project of $500,000.

Community Engagement Meeting

A virtual community engagement meeting for F-39 Drainage Improvements on Spring Gully was held on:
Date: Thursday, May 6, 2021
Time: 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Presentation (English) Presentation (Spanish) Virtual Meeting Video

Meeting Summary