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Maintenance Programs

Maintenance Programs

Maintenance Programs

Along with mowing and routine maintenance of the county’s 2,500 miles of channel, dozens of stormwater detention basins and thousands of buyout lots, the Flood Control District conducts major maintenance to repair damage caused by storms and erosion.

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Maintenance Programs

Property Management Program

The Property Management Program is responsible for the management of all Flood Control District real property. The group's primary responsibilities are to identify deficiencies of the Flood Control District’s channel and stormwater detention basin infrastructure, to define the scope of operations to be performed, and to prioritize repairs and cyclical maintenance within the available budget.

Abandoned Bridge Program

The Flood Control District identified approximately 700 footbridges or old farm bridges that cross Flood Control District rights-of-way. Each of the bridges was evaluated to determine the ownership and condition of the bridge, as well as the desire of a second party to either resume or assume ownership and maintenance responsibilities for the bridge through an interlocal agreement.

Vegetation Management

The Flood Control District has launched an aggressive new Vegetation Management Program to increase our effectiveness - and efficiency - in supporting our mission. This program is a holistic initiative designed to provide appropriate stormwater drainage, while also maintaining the integrity of the county's channel system and protecting the environment.

Mowing for vegetation management

The Flood Control District maintains more than 2,500 miles of predominately grass-lined bayous, creeks and manmade drainage channels, along with dozens of large stormwater detention basin sites, and about 2,300 buyout lots in neighborhoods across Harris County.

Major Maintenance Projects

Projects to repair existing drainage infrastructure are important, but may be relatively small, involving a sinkhole in one location, and a failed outfall pipe in another. The Flood Control often groups repair sites into maintenance construction packages that are bid as one construction contract for ease and efficiency.

NRCS-HCFCD Partnership Repair Program

The Harris County Flood Control District’s Disaster Recovery Program, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), repaired more than 800 damage sites within Harris County resulting from Hurricane Harvey, Tropical Storm Imelda and other recent extreme weather events.

Emergency repairs - COMPLETED

List of emergency post-Harvey repairs that have already been completed.

Capital and maintenance active construction projects

Click here to learn more about the Harris County Flood Control District’s active capital and maintenance projects interactive map.