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NRCS-HCFCD Partnership Repair Program

NRCS-HCFCD Partnership Repair Program
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NRCS Harvey Repair Program

February 2021

NRCS-HCFCD Partnership Repair Program

Program Description

The Harris County Flood Control District’s Disaster Recovery Program, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), repaired more than 800 damage sites within Harris County resulting from Hurricane Harvey, Tropical Storm Imelda and other recent extreme weather events. The program protects the channels from further damage, while also making the channels more resilient to future extreme weather events.

To date, the NRCS has provided more than $70 million in funding for drainage infrastructure repair and improvement projects across Harris County.

About the NRCS Program

The NRCS Program helps eligible entities implement emergency recovery measures to relieve imminent hazards to life or property caused by a natural disaster. The NRCS provides technical and financial assistance for measures that reduce threats to life or property from a watershed impairment, including sediment and debris removal, and also provide protection from additional flooding or soil erosion. In addition to implementing emergency measures, the NRCS offers assistance to purchase floodplain easements.

K120-00-00-X019 Slope Damage (Before)

K120-00-00-X019 Slope Repair (After)

P145-00-00-X015 Slope Erosion Damage (Before)

P145-00-00-X015 Slope Erosion Repair (After)

U106-13-00-X013 Slope Paving Damage (Before)

U106-13-00-X013 Slope Paving Repair (After)

U109-00-00-X039 SheetPile Damage (Before)

U109-00-00-X039 SheetPile Repair (After)

NRCS Harvey Repair Program
