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Asset Management Program

Asset Management Program
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Asset Management Program

The Asset Management Program provides management and directs activities on District rights of way. The program is responsible for managing over 2,500 miles of District channel right of way. Information utilized to manage District rights of way and properties is collected from visual inspection by data collectors, digitally photographed features, calls to the Citizen Service Center, letters to the District, and evaluation by District employees.

L100-00-00, Erosion deficiency identified on 
Little Cypress Creek

L100-00-00, Erosion repaired

The District’s drainage facilities, by the nature of their existence, deteriorate over time. Identifying the deteriorated facilities is a main objective of the Asset Management Program. The Districts infrastructure system is evaluated by Asset Management leading to potential projects which are prioritized using the following criteria: 

  • Condition and level of damage of the channel segment
  • Location within the overall watershed
  • Level of public interest
  • Channel type (man-made or natural)
  • Cost of repair

One program that is driven by this effort is the System Repair Program. The results of the evaluation are implemented into a rolling 5-Year System Repair Plan that constantly monitors and assesses the potential repair sites.

The Asset Management Program also establishes vegetation management and maintenance plans. The plans include:

  • Tree planting and maintenance
  • Selective clearing
  • Herbicide application
  • De-snag and debris removal
  • Turf establishment, promotion, and mowing
  • Buyout lot maintenance

A main component in the Asset Management Program, involved with identifying and directing activities, are requests received and investigated through the Citizen Service Center and by the GIS Outfield Data Collection Team. The Citizen Service Center plays a prominent role in Asset Management’s communication with the private sector as well as with other government entities.