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West of T.C. Jester Boulevard (K500-23-00-E001)

West of T.C. Jester Boulevard (K500-23-00-E001)
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Starting November 2020, the property west of T.C. Jester is under an excavation and removal (E&R) contract. The E&R contractor removes a set amount of soil, which helps expedite the construction of the detention basin and keep costs down. The E&R contract lasts up to three years, and the construction zone will be closed to the public for the duration of the contract for the safety of residents and construction crews.

By allowing a willing E&R contractor to appropriately use material excavated at the site, implementation of an E&R project helps reduce future construction costs, as compared with typical excavation and disposal costs which are increasing across Harris County.

At a later date, an engineering firm would be hired to design the final basin layout, and a construction contract would be awarded to complete excavation to that design, producing a fully functional stormwater detention basin.

Here is additional information about a typical Project Lifecycle: