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Press Room

Press Room
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Latest News

Flood Control District Awarded Nearly $100,000 for Map Revision Program

Flood Control District Awarded Nearly $100,000 for Map Revision Program

The Harris County Flood Control District has been awarded nearly $100,000 to continue as a select partner with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in revising floodplain maps related to new development. The FEMA grant will fund the Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) Review Partners Program. A LOMR is FEMA's official modification to a Flood Insurance Rate Map or the Flood Insurance Study. LOMRs can change the regulatory floodway, the base flood elevations, or the flood zones on the effective map. In this partnership, FEMA delegates to the Flood Control District the technical review of LOMR and Conditional LOMR requests in Harris County.

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Bridge Closure Update for the Mud Gully Channel Conveyance Improvements Project

Bridge Closure Update for the Mud Gully Channel Conveyance Improvements Project

In an effort to keep you informed about the Harris County Flood Control District’s continuing improvements in the Clear Creek Watershed, we want to provide an update on the imminent Scarsdale Boulevard bridge closure in connection with the Mud Gully Channel Conveyance Improvements Project.

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Advisory for Baywood Stormwater Detention Basin

Advisory for Baywood Stormwater Detention Basin

Beginning on or about September 27, 2021, wildlife biologists working with the Harris County Flood Control District will begin temporary, non-lethal steps to dispel and discourage birds from gathering at the Baywood Stormwater Detention Basin site. These activities are designed to reduce the risk to nearby La Porte Municipal Airport and Ellington Air Force Base aircraft from potentially dangerous bird strikes during departures and landing approaches.

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Harris County Flood Control District's Communications Department staff is available to help members of the media find answers to questions about the Harris County Flood Control District, including our plans, projects, and programs. It is very important that we know the subject of your interview, questions you would like answered, your deadline and where you can be contacted.

Contact our staff here.
