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Latest News

30+ Year Flood Damage Reduction Effort “Project Brays” Now Complete

30+ Year Flood Damage Reduction Effort “Project Brays” Now Complete

HOUSTON, TEXAS – May 26, 2022 – The Brays Bayou Federal Flood Damage Reduction Project (known as Project Brays), a $480 million partnership effort between the Harris County Flood Control District and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Galveston District (USACE) is now complete after more than 30 years of work.

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Virtual Community Engagement Meeting for the Horsepen Bayou Stormwater Conveyance Project

Virtual Community Engagement Meeting for the Horsepen Bayou Stormwater Conveyance Project

The Harris County Flood Control District will hold a Virtual Community Engagement Meeting for the Horsepen Bayou Stormwater Conveyance Improvement project. The purpose of this meeting is to inform residents about the status of the Horsepen Bayou Stormwater Conveyance Improvement project and share project information.

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Construction completed on three projects in Halls Bayou Watershed, benefitting  approximately 100 area structures

Construction completed on three projects in Halls Bayou Watershed, benefitting approximately 100 area structures

HOUSTON, TEXAS – May 20, 2022 – The Harris County Flood Control District has completed construction of the Little York and Hopper Stormwater Detention Basins, and Tributary P118-14-00 Channel Conveyance Improvements (Bond ID C-35), located in the Halls Bayou watershed. The two stormwater detention basins were funded with local Flood Control District dollars in combination with a Community Development Block Grant for Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR), for a total project cost of $3.8 million.

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Harris County Flood Control District's Communications Department staff is available to help members of the media find answers to questions about the Harris County Flood Control District, including our plans, projects, and programs. It is very important that we know the subject of your interview, questions you would like answered, your deadline and where you can be contacted.

Contact our staff here.
