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F-98 Improvements Along F212-00-00

F-98 Improvements Along F212-00-00
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Recent Actions

December 14, 2021 -Harris County Commissioners Court approved a $699,889 agreement with an engineering firm to provide design, bidding, and construction stage engineering services.

Project Description

The Deer Creek Stormwater Conveyance Improvement Project will reduce flooding risks for a residential, commercial, and industrial area in the heart of the city of La Porte by increasing the ability of the F212-00-00 channel to carry stormwater without overflowing. The proposed project was identified as one of two recommended projects in the Galveston Bay Watershed Plan.

This project includes three key components:

• Improvements to the existing channel from Broadway Street to Utah Street;
• Conversion of an open channel to a reinforced concrete box storm sewer along Utah Street to Main Street; and
• Replacement of an existing pipe with a reinforced concrete box from Main Street to the outfall into the open, grass-lined channel            downstreet of East B Street.

As of March 2022, this project is in the Design stage.

The Galveston Bay Watershed Planning Project, which was completed in 2021, investigated flooding problems and evaluated and recommended potential projects to reduce the risk of flooding throughout the Galveston Bay watershed. The 2018 HCFCD Bond Program includes Bond ID F-98, which allocated $4 million for ROW acquisition, engineering, and construction of individual flood risk reduction projects in the watershed.

Project Map


Virtual Community Engagement Meeting

The Harris County Flood Control District held a Community Engagement Meeting for the Deer Creek F212-00-00 Stormwater Conveyance Improvement project in the Galveston Bay watershed.

Date: Thursday, March 17, 2022
Time: 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Meeting Summary Presentation Meeting Video