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Press Room

Press Room
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Latest News

Construction Zone Safety Concerns for Barker Desilt Projects

Construction Zone Safety Concerns for Barker Desilt Projects

As a part of the Harris County Flood Control District’s maintenance operations, the Flood Control District is currently undertaking multiple comprehensive projects to de-silt channels that drain to the Barker Reservoir. Impacted areas include the Green Trails subdivision and surrounding neighborhoods near Mason Creek from South Fry Road to Baker Road.

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Construction Complete on the Greens Bayou Glen Forest and Kuykendahl Stormwater Detention Basins

Construction Complete on the Greens Bayou Glen Forest and Kuykendahl Stormwater Detention Basins

HOUSTON, TEXAS – ​The Harris County Flood Control District has completed construction of the Glen Forest and Kuykendahl Stormwater Detention Basins, located in Greens Bayou. The two stormwater detention basins were funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency through the Hurricane Ike Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. The Flood Control District matched the $39.2 million award, bringing the total cost of construction to $63.7 million.

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Harris County Flood Control District's Communications Department staff is available to help members of the media find answers to questions about the Harris County Flood Control District, including our plans, projects, and programs. It is very important that we know the subject of your interview, questions you would like answered, your deadline and where you can be contacted.

Contact our staff here.
