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CI-018 Rehabilitation of Spring Branch

CI-018 Rehabilitation of Spring Branch
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Recent Action

February 8, 2022 – Harris County Commissioners Court authorized an agreement to provide design, bidding and construction stage engineering services to restore channel conveyance capacity in support of this project.

August 10, 2021 – Harris County Commissioners Court initiated and directed the Flood Control District to proceed with this project

Project Description

There are two separate maintenance projects aimed toward rehabilitating Buffalo Bayou tributary W140-00-00 (Spring Branch). The projects will restore the channel to its original design capacity.

The first maintenance project, identified as W140-00-00-X013, is is expected to include concrete channel lining repair work and the replacement of failed outfalls located downstream along W140-00-00 from Bracher Street to Pech Road. This project has an estimated cost of $1.35 million.

The second maintenance project, identified as W140-00-00-X018, will identify erosion repair options utilizing natural stable channel design features. The project area is located along W140-00-00 from Pech Road to Interstate 10 frontage road. This effort has an estimated cost of $4.82 million.